Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The drama competition results are out! we are in first place! hurray!we won! I am so happy when i heard the results!

~ ++ meihui ++ ~

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Drama Compeitition

The drama compeitition was quite scary, as the judges' faces did not have any expression.
The results are not out yet, so wish us gd luck!!

kim =]

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Hi ,

As you notice i have not posted till now because i was too deeply immersed in music anyway the instrument that i would like to play would be the guitar. When i was like 4 years old i had the passion for guitar. Till now i can only play the recorder and electronic drums (with the screen to guide me ) .


Heeraj, (Extremexe)

Thursday, March 29, 2007


i rather play the guitar the electrical one as it makes a cool sound and somehow it doesnt look that hard to play and it is lighter than the folk guitar and smaller.


Monday, March 26, 2007


I would like to play flute. Because the sound is very nice.If I have a chance, I would to perform at England or Vienna (the capital of Austria.^_^

Huang Tzu Hsuan+_-

Saturday, March 24, 2007


I would want to play the drum. It is interesting and nice. I like music which has drums as it makes it like a nicer song??? I would like to play it in a band at somewhere which lots of people go as more people will get to see me play it!



I would want to play a violin. I want play it as I learn it when I was young,but not now.I would like to play it in Japan or Korea!



I will choose to play the guitar, not the electronic ones because it can produce a touching and smooth sound, but even I want, I have no chance to play it. Songs played by guitar are very nice too. If I have a chance, I want to perform at Esplanade or the concert hall at the 88th floor of Taipei 101.

Chang Ming O_O
5 Excellence T_T


i would rather have to play the piano if i were given a chance because i do not want to be the only one in my family to be not able to play .Besides i like music played by the piano as well.If i had the chance, i would like to perform somewhere that has not been built yet but will be in the future.

Teo Miao Xuan
today drama is really fun!! ms amelia told us to bring newspaper ,a pail and some other things.I wish that the competition will come soon and we win the competition!!~~~jia you all performers!


Friday, March 23, 2007

Homework on 23/3/07

If I can choose to play an instrument it will be the piano.Why? Because the sound that the piano makes sounds nice and soothing.If I had the chance to play it during a concert it would at the Singapore Expo Hall.

By:Jenessa Quek 5E


I play the piano.i like the piano because if i play it smoothly, it would sound really nice.
I'm grade five in piano and Esther is too.
I wanna play at the Victoria Hall in future because i went there before and it was really nice.


B.T.W, wish all the GB girls in our class good luck for our drill compeitition tmr. thanks!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

drama lessons

sorry i forgot what to post


Sunday, March 18, 2007

What makes me unique?

Umm...I am quite a ordinary girl. Oh! I am 13 years old and older than them. This makes me unique. Another thing is drawing makes me unique!!!!!!!!

Chang Ming T_T

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jackie and Jill

Im one of the stage managers for our new drama play, "Jackie and Jill". It is fun working with Ms Amelia.She is REALLY very creative. I wish i could be like her!!
When we performed "Forum Theater" for Mr Chua and some people from MOE, it was quite disappointing as they left half way. I think they did not really like the play. This is sooo disappointing:( . .(repeated)
I hope you guyz enjoy the holidayz...


BTW, Ms Suhana, hope your throat is feeling better:)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

What makes me unique?

What makes me unique is that I cook better porridge than my maid. Okay, I am not sure, anyway, who cares? At least I can cook!


Friday, March 9, 2007

What makes me unique

What makes me unique is that i was born on 29 feb 1996.As it comes only onces 4 years.That's all i can share about with YOU!GOODBYE!


Thursday, March 8, 2007

what makes me unique

mr mel, i 'm sorry it is private, i do not want anyone to know but there is one thing you 've seen, but i just will never speak a word !!!!!!!!! but i'll tell you something ,i can cook, (because ....)

miao xuan 5e

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

i enjoy today's lesson as we have a few people passing some comments to the actors.i thuoght of something to say because i never had a chance to ask something, why is backstages helpers for?
is it that we help with the playing of music or others thing? please reply mi thanks

Thursday, February 22, 2007

the drama lesson

we had a combined class without the 15 people involved in the play.it was quite boring this time because it was cram and stuffy too.i forgot what was the lesson about anyhow?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


today we did some audition for the play for the competition Christabel said that i was definitely going to be chosen but, it was the other way round she got chosen instead she was going to act as jack.(haha......(just joking).)

teo miao xuan
t . m . x




Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Drama Today! (14/02/07)

Drama today was fun and funny. We had a combined group with the other group. We acted a play called 'JACK AND JILL MAKE A START' There were many characters. There was a narrator, an earth spirit, an environment beast, Jack and Jill. They were all very funny. The class kept on laughing. I was laughing my heads off when they were acting. Look forward to the next drama lesson!

Jasmine Lim:D

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Forth Drama Lesson...

We had drama at the classroom again. So bad it is not in the melody cove. We did MIME IT DOWN THE VALLEY. I am not sure if I wrote that correctly, but I am sure it is about MIME! I hope drama lessons would be even interesting and fun the next lesson!Anyway, I can't wait for the next lesson!


4th Drama lesson

We have drama in our classroom but next week we are going to the melody cove.We played a game which needs us to turn our backs and the first person will do an action that is a character in the wizard of oz.Then the next person will have to copy the action and make another action but it has to be the same character.I took a while to think about the action that i was going to do.I wonder what will we do in the next lesson? i hope it will be fun:)

Jenessa Quek

Friday, February 9, 2007

DRAMA LESSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drama lessons are not very fun today.Mr Mel told us to form a group. My group did not talk a lot. The idea was quite silly!(I would NOT tell you the IDEA! HA!HA!) I do hope the next drama lesson will be more interesting and fun.Mr mel , if U are reading this ,can you organize more games? PLEASE!


Thursday, February 8, 2007

lessons of drama

it was not very fun like the this time but i just hope it will be more fun the next lesson of drama i just cannot believe that it is the first time not really enjoying drama in the classroom this year.

about the lesson:at the last part of drama, we got into groups and make up a character.the character actually wanted something also but i cannot tell you!(of course he wanted something!!!!)

miao xuan

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

4th day in drama

I enjoy drama so much that almost addic to it[almost only] .today we have lots of fun of the activities we had done .I wish that there will not have any fairy tales that type of performs.wish my wish com true!!!


Monday, February 5, 2007

Third drama lesson

We went to the Melody Cove for our drama lesson. I must say it was quite cold!! (:D)
We played this game where we imagined that the tie was NOT a tie, but something else.(Ms Suhana used the tie as a violin!!) When we played park bench, i was a drunked person while Theng Hui was a passer-by.
We kept on laughing as i was acting a little dumb..........haha!!
Mr Mel is a fun teacher to be with, but, he likes discipline!!

kimmy :)

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Third Lesson Of Drama In The Clasroom

It was a very interesting lesson. First Mr Mel teach us improvisation which we must imagine Mr Mel's tie to be something else and then act it out. I acted it to be a skipping rope and it was very difficult as the tie was short. Then we have park bench. I liked when Paxton became a famous actor.....em actress?

Jansen Lawrence Chan

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Third lesson of drama.

Drama is so cool! At least we get to be fair this time! My group got to have drama lessons in the Melody Cove, but it was pretty cold! I thought that it wouldn't be that cold! I hope next week, we get to go to the melody cove again! As you know, the other group went there for two times! We learnt about improvisation, and it was fun! I really cannot wait for the next drama lesson!


Thursday, February 1, 2007


Today's Drama lessons was about improvisation. I think this is a bit hard for a foreigner like me to act it out but I try my best, and the product is good. i am quiet surprise. That was really fun, although I need to perform to everyone.

I just hope that next lesson will be more funny. The 'product' will be better.

Chang Ming


Drama was great!!! We had loads of fun with Ms Dawn as Ms Amelia was of to do something, which I do not know... but it was fun with Ms Dawn anyway. She has a excels in creativity and she is very imaginative. I think drama is a little to short and I think it should be extended, but we also have to study and not only play. Work hard and play hard...


Yesterday's drama topic was about improvisation. I can improvise as a human easily but it is difficult for me to improvise as a fairy. It was fun! We played game slike park bench and others.

Jasmine Lim:).......thanks, bye signing off!

Third Drama Lesson

We did improvisation on our third lesson.There are a few games that we played,one of them is that you have to imagine Mr Mel's tie as something else and act it out.We learn Park Bench and the acting was quite funny.I look forward to the next drama lesson!:)

By:Jenessa Quek

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

3rd drama lesson

It was fun to spend a fun activity with my united class. I had really enjoy
my lesson with mr mel. What i most admire is mr mel speaking with a
good yet projective voice.I really enjoy all the lessons , especially last week when i acted as a lawyer trying to help a politician, kimberley
who is addicted to power and poorrrrrr joey ,a sectuary. today's
lesson is really an amazing one..................

Andrea lee: pf ( dont mine calling me piggy as i love themmmmm )

3rd drama lesson - (31-01-07)


miao xuan (bleach........)


Today,I had a great drama lesson. Our teacher Mr Mel use a tie and let us do anything with it.Ihope the next lesson will be as fun as this!


Drama lessons!!!!

The drama lessons were quite interesting as mr mel was quite funny and the activities were quite fun.The part of the president and secretary was quite funny.(although they were laughing most of the time)

today, we learn alot of things with Mr Mel.I wish that we will have more games and performs in drama lessons ,i have lots of fun in the game that we must use the tie of Mr Mel and imagine how to com out with the tie in other use.I have lots of fun!I LOVE DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Our second drama lesson

Mr Mel is our drama teacher. He is funny sometimes, and we just couldn't help laughing. We acted some scenes about addiction. In one of the scenes, Ms Suhana joined in. It was amazing! In the last scene, we acted a sceme with someone who was addicted to power. And Kimberley was a politician. Her secretary was Joey and her lawyer was Andrea. Andrea was quite funny, as she kept smiling. This drama lesson

Jasmine Lim:D

Our first drama lesson

Our first drama lesson with Miss Dawn was fantastic! We played 'Throw my Name' with her toy beaver and it was really confusing, wasn't it? Then, we discussed about an addiction. IIII JUST SEEM TO LOVE DRAMA!!!!!!!!

Jasmine Lim:)

Our first drama lesson

Our first drama lesson with Miss Dawn was fantastic! We played 'Throw my Name' with her toy beaver and it was really confusing, wasn't it? Then, we discussed about an addiction. IIII JUST SEEM TO LOVE DRAMA!!!!!!!!

Jasmine Lim:)

Friday, January 26, 2007

the second day of drama in the classroom

Mr Mel is now teaching us drama and he's quite funny. I wish there will be more games to make the lesson more interesting and fun.

Jansen Lawrence Chan

drama in the classroom

mr mel was funny and he voice was so loud it starlted me.the lesson was quite interesting and i did not expect ms suhana to join in.the lesson i must conclude was partly boring especialy at the begining with mr mel .

miao xuan

drama in the classroom

mr mel was funny and he voice was so loud it starlted me.the lesson was quite interesting and i did not expect ms suhana to join in.the lesson i must conclude was partly boring especialy at the begining with mr mel .

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Our second drama lesson!

It was very fun as we get to see Mr Mel(as the first lesson he did not come).We played forum theatre and shape.Miss Suhana also joined us.In forum theatre we have to act as another character(not yourself) it was very fun and funny.When we were about to finish the lesson, we played one last game(but I forgot the name of the game) then we went back to lesson.I certainly wiil look forward to the next drama lesson!:)

By:Jenessa Quek

Drama lesson yesterday

Yesterday during drama, we had loads of fun! I acted as Percy, Heeraj as my Dad, Tabigail as my Mum, Leon as my sister, John, Christabelle and Celia as my friends, Edwin as my cat and Anthony as my television. The games taught us how to interact with each another as a class and on stage.

Drama Lessons

I find my first day of drama very fun! Our teacher is Miss Dawn.But she is only taking over Mr Mel for the first lesson only. But it is so good that the other group can go to the Melody Cove! Anyway, on my second day of drama, Mr Mel teached us. He was quite funny. I acted as a secretary of a politician who is addicted to power which is Kimberley, and Andrea was her lawyer! I wish we could have drama lessons everyday! I LOVE DRAMA!!!


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

second day of drama in the classroom

Its our first day with Mr Mel. He is very funny. Although there was no games, its still fun.I'm looking forward to the next drama lesson.

second day of drama in the classroom

Its our first day with Mr Mel. He is very funny.

Our first Drama Lesson

Today, I really have fun during the lessons of Drama in the Classroom. I thought drama lessons are very boring since P4(In Taiwan). In Taiwan, I don't have a chance to experience it(but I enjoy studying in Taiwan:(). I really enjoy the lessons.
Mr Mel is very vary funny and today's lessons are cool!
(But, Next time, the venue shall be melody cove.)

Chang Ming(XD)(Martian language, means happy)
5 Excellence
I like drama very much.Today,Mr Mel told us to act as one of the addiction, kimberley act as she has power addict.I think she did a great job^^. i wish drama is held everyday so it will be very fun. ~~I LOVE DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~

Tan Mei Hui

Drama lessons

Today, during my Drama lesson, i was acting as a a president which thinks she is very powerful.

I had fun playing that, as Joey was my secretary, and Andrea was my lawyer(haha!!).

I think Drama lessons are fun and interesting. I LOVE DRAMA!!!

Kimberley :P


Our first lesson with mr mel is quite nice and mr mel is very funny. what I like best is when ms suhana did the eating part and my classmate followed on. Mr mel is a copy of mr wong as he is very funny.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our first Drama lesson

My first Drama lesson was fun.It was Ms Amelia showing us Percy the TV addict and volunteers volunteering to tell about their addicts.They made us laugh and I told them I was addicted to shopping. Ms Amelia said I was a real shopping addict.I was really happy.I am looking forward to the next Drama lesson.

By: Celia Teh of

On the First Day of Drama

I find the first day of drama fun, and it was also very exciting, like when Ms Suhana joined in with us in the game and conversations. Ms Amelia read very fluenty and the background music matches the story, of 'Percy, the TV Addict' very well. It was a fun and interesting time on the first day of drama in the classroom, I mean drama in the melody cove!:)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Our first drama lesson

The lesson and games are very fun.The lessons is interesting and it also teaches us.My drama teacher is Mr Mel, but I also had a great time with Miss Dawn.We played catch my name.I look forward to the next drama lesson.

Jenessa Quek

drama lessons

I enjoy having drama lessons as it is a very interesting lessons.I learn alot of things about how to control my voice so i would not nid to shout.I look forward to see Mr Mel but pretty sad as Miss Dawn will only stay with us for one week, wish Miss Dawn have a happy time with us!

Tan Mei Hui

Friday, January 19, 2007

first lesson of drama in the classroom

I fell that drama in the classroom is fun. I had alot of fun during the lesson as i had fun and also learned things. Now i know i have been addicted on computers like a game called runescape. Everybody have a addiction. I had a fun and enjoyable day with Ms Amelia. I think i am going to have fun.

Ian Har

Drama in the Classroom

I was very excited about the lesson. It is quite fun and cool. We had loads of fun during the lesson, especially when we were playing with Mary, the beaver of Miss Dawn. I am really looking forwar for the next lesson with Mr Mel next week.

Ian Koh

Our very first drama lesson

The lessons and games are just very fun and exciting.I especially like the game "catch my name". I belong to Mr Mel's half of the class.I can't wait for the next drama lesson!:)

Our first drama lesson

We were very excited about our first drama lesson. The icing on the cake was Ms Amelia as our drama teacher. She is very animated and she can go in and out of role so comfortably.